Have you Zivvered it?

Remote working, a rise in security incidents, evolving regulatory pressures; these are challenges faced across all industries today. Securing digital communications has never been more important.

Hybrid working has placed an enormous strain on IT resources and, in addition to shouldering the responsibilities of their day-to-day roles, employees are also positioned as data protectors, undertaking the burden of compliance.

With employees working away from the office, our reliance on sharing sensitive information online, in the moment and wherever you are, is increasing. Adopting a ‘security culture’ has become a buzz term for organisations seeking to deploy a security-first mindset across remote teams. However, with data breaches on the rise, compulsory training failing us, and some of the tools that employees use to handle sensitive digital assets are not fit for purpose.

Therefore, BlueFinch is excited about the partnership with Zivver!

Zivver is empowering thousands of organizations to work securely with maximum effectiveness and minimal disruption through Secure Mail, Email Data Loss Prevention, and compliance solutions.

With the hyper acceleration of digital transformation, regulatory reforms, and hybrid work, we all need a modern secure communications platform that is highly usable, empowering secure work with maximum effectiveness and minimal disruption.

Innovative new solutions such as Zivver go above and beyond adopting a security culture, enabling enterprises to affect an instinctive security lifestyle, wherever their employees are based.

BlueFinch specialists will help your staff to get fully up to speed with standard and custom training as well as support you all the way through implementation phase. If you have any questions on how your organisation can be protected against Data Breaches or how Secure Mail solutions like Zivver can make your organisation more secure, please contact us at sales@bluefinch.com