Data plays an increasingly important role in our society. This requires a variety of measures to deal with this, to process and store data, and to protect it. Managed File Transfer (MFT) is a solution for the secure transfer of sensitive and large files, as well as the exchange of incoming and outgoing...

With a continuous news stream about security incidents and new regulations for privacy protection, it’s more important than ever for organisations to think seriously about data privacy and data security together.  By: Ekron DriesIf we look at IT security, most organisations have a strong focus on perimeter defence: building walls to block external threats from entering...

Conferences and Trade Shows. They were never really gone, but that time of the year is back again and so is BlueFinch. Two important gatherings were attended in late October and early November, TBX event and E-crime & Cybersecurity Nordics. TBX Event 2021 Finally, after more than a year of pandemic isolation, we were able to speak to people in person...

November 3rd and 4th, Utrecht, Jaarbeurs We're happy to announce that BlueFinch takes part in TBX Event (Tech, Business, Accelerate), the long-awaited successor to the IT exhibition, Data & Cloud Expo. Rooted in the belief that with the right IT solutions your business challenges can be resolved and the digital transformation in your organisation...

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